Additional services


In a consultancy project I contribute my experience and the knowledge compiled for you connecting it with the business environment of your company to achieve the envisaged progress.

Examples of consultancy projects are:

Making better use of existing productive capacity

You wish to improve the performance of your company.
Besides the analysis and conceptual design this temporarily requires additional working capacity.

I will provide you with the required assistance for supporting or implementing the analysis and planning phase as well as the implementation in close co-ordination with you.
The amount of support given is tailored to your requirements.

Integrating new technologies

You would like to check, whether new technologies and organisational structures can be implemented in an advantageous way in your company.

After the analysis of your company's present situation
I will propose a catalogue of measures and technologies as well as
the adequate procedures and
I will also support the implementation to the extent suitable for your enterprise.


Accompanying development phases, often called mentoring or coaching is a service borne by the commitment of the coachee and provides him in the same time the intellectual friction and the safeness he needs for the elaboration and implementation of his concepts.

Especially in these situations the ensemble is more than just the sum of its components.

Such accompanied activities could be:

Additional services

These are services I am providing in an autonomous way. Some examples for this type of services are:

Information demand

You need information from an area of knowledge which until now is new to you.

I will provide the adequate basis for your decision via

Project management

You have for example recently taken on a project at short notice for which you do not have adequate resources.

Company presentation

You plan to present your companies activities in a speech.
Your availability of resources for this is, however, restricted
